Lesley Beake has been writing for 30 years and has published 90 books. Who could be more perfect to lead you into this great adventure - learning to write and working your way towards excellence.

‘Her well researched books are celebrations and compassionate explorations into the rich, glorious diversity of the many African cultures. Lesley’s books cover, with depth, compassion and wonderful humour, a range of cultural themes as well as a comprehensive range of human issues children of all ages experience. Lesley offers stories for young people to think and play with, great models of compassion, kindness, robust humour, problem solving, and always--- hope. ‘


Melissa Heckler, co-chair of the Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Award committee.

Hello, I'm Lesley Beake.

Books are life for me.

I read them, write them and work with them pretty much all the time I am awake.

My particular interest is in books for children and young people. After having published 90 titles for readers from age 4 to age 14, I now concentrate on introducing the joys of reading to children through Children’s Book Network – www.childrensbook.co.za

Ready for the adventure of writing for children?

Lesley Beake's inspiring course can be seen here

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